WPF stands for Windows Presentation Foundation, introduced with .Net 3.0 frameworks by Microsoft. Window presentation foundation provides us  rich user interface and graphics which is not available with window application. To use this you can create a desktop application more attractive with more functionality.

WPF basically uses the declarative language XAML (Extensible Application Markup Language).  WPF application is combination of XAML and .Net language like C#/VB.Net etc.

TOP Feature of WPF
Resolution Independence

WPF Application is resolution independent. I mean to say when you create a application in WPF then this application is independent of screen resolution. It auto uses the DirectX components. Resolution of WPF is always same with any type of screen resolution.

Separation of Concerns

In WPF application, there is two part appearance of UI and its behavior. Appearance means to say application User Interface and appearance is specified by XAML.  Behavior means to say how the application work and it is handled by .Net language like C#/VB.Net etc.

Hence you can very easily customize the look of controls and its functionality. XAML is same as like in web application CSS in HTML.

Add Control inside a Control

WPF introduced a very nice feature, now you can add a control inside another control. Like if you want to add a textbox inside an button then very easily you can do this. This is not possible in Window application.

Different types of Layout

Layout is used to separate the control on the User Interface. It provides us a way, in which we can create our application neater and clean with lots of controls.

  1. Gird: Grid as name suggested, it is same as table.  It has rows and columns. You can place your control inside grid cell. It is same as in web application Grid View.
  2. Dock Panel: I hope, you will aware of Docking in window application. Using docking you can place your control either to top, right, left or bottom.  So, Dock panel provide this type of functionality in WPF.
  3. Stack Panel: Inside Stack panel a control manage either horizontally or vertically. You can not set control any other scale.
  4. Canvas: It provides us a layout where we can place our controls anywhere where we want. You have total control on layout.
3D & 2D Graphics and Animation

WPF comes with the entire rich component with all in one. In WPF, you can use controls as 3D layout or 2D layout. In this, you can also use animation, media file and graphics. It supports for playing video or audio file which is supported by Media player.


Today, I tried to explain top feature of WPF. 

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