Asp.Net MVC is nothing but a framework introduce by Microsoft. It is lightweight and open source. It is used to building highly testable, scalable and well designed clean application. Microsoft introduce first MVC version MVC 1.0 in 2009. Here I am explaining all the versions and its feature.

Asp.Net MVC 5.2 [Current]
  1. It is released on 28 August 2014 with VS 2013
  2. .Net 4.5 framework used for Asp.Net MVC 5.2
  3. Feature
  • Attribute based routing
  • Minor update of Asp.Net MVC5
  • Asp.Net MVC 5 bug fixed


Asp.Net MVC 5
  1. It is released on 17 October 2013 with VS 2013
  2. It uses .Net 4.5 framework
  3. Feature
  • Authentication filters
  • One Asp.Net
  • Asp.Net Identity
  • Bootstrap support in MVC template
  • New Asp.Net scaffolding
  • Authentication filters
  • Minor update of Asp.Net MVC5
  • Asp.Net MVC 5 bug fixed


Asp.Net MVC 4
  1. It is released on 15 August 2012 .
  2. Released with VS 2010 SP1 and VS 2012.
  3. It uses .Net 4.0/.Net 4.5 framework
  4. Feature
  • Add Window Azure SDK support feature.
  • Bundling and Minification
  • Introduce Asp.Net Web API
  • Mobile Project Template using jquery mobile
  • Display Modes
Asp.Net MVC 3
  1. It is released on 13 January 2011
  2. Released with VS 2010
  3. It uses .Net 4.0 framework
  4. Feature
  • Razor view engine
  • ViewBag dynamic property
  • Entity framework Code First
  • Global action filters
  • Dependency resolver for IoC
  • Remote validation
  • Compare Attribute


Asp.Net MVC 2
  1. It is released on 10 March 2010
  2. Released with VS 2008
  3. It uses .Net 3.5/.Net 4.0 framework
  4. Feature
  • Client side validation
  • Scaffolding
  • Asynchronous controller
  • Area for creating module based application
  • Lambda expression based Html helpers
  • DataAnnotation attribute
  • Custom template Helper


Asp.Net MVC 1
  1. It is released on 13 March 2009
  2. Released with VS 2008
  3. It uses .Net 3.5 framework
  4. Feature
  • MVC architecture pattern and web form engine
  • Auto binding
  • Ajax Helpers
  • Html Helpers
  • Routing
  • Unit testing

Today we learned a brief history of Asp.Net MVC framework versions.

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