Here is the list of the technologies which are the future of the IT world and if you know these as .Net Developer then definitely you will get a higher salary.

Main Technologies

.Net Framework, C#, C# 6, C# 7, OOPs, Design Pattern, Data Structure, Asp.Net, Asp.Net MVC, Web API, Rest API, Asp.Net Core, Core Web API, WCF, Entity Framework, LINQ, Windows Form, SignalR, Xamarin.Forms, .Net Standard, Razor Pages, Blazor, F#

Front End Technologies

Angular, AngularJS, Node.JS, JavaScript, TypeScript, Jquery, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap3, Ajax, React

Source Control

TFS, Git, GitHub

Database Technologies

SQL Server


Visual Studio 2017, Visual Studio Code, SQL Server Management Studio 2008 and 2014 or 2016


Agile, JIRA

Cloud Technologies

Microsoft Azure, Cognitive Services, Microsoft Azure DevOps, CI/CD Pipeline

Extra Technologies

Python, AI, Machine Learning, DevOps, Docker, Big Data

Extra Skills

Communication Skills, Writing Skills, Team Building, Problem Solving, Project Management, Research

If you are a developer and work on Microsoft Technologies and would like to add something then you can comment.


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