This article will provide step by step information for installation of Eclipse IDE on Windows 10.

Step 1: Download Eclipse exe or zip from and install it as we do installation for other software. Just double click on the .exe file and it will start the installation wizard. let provide the installation details and click to next and at the end Eclipse will be installed.

Step 2: After installation, just open the install Eclipse IDE.

Eclipse IDE

Step 3: It will ask for workplace location, just choose any prefered location from your computer drive and click to Lunch.

Eclipse IDE

Step 4: It will take few minutes for first time only and here we go. Eclipse is ready for us on Windows 10.

Eclipse Start Page

Close the welcome screen and you will find the Eclipse IDE blank screen as follows.

Eclipse Tools

Step 5: Now let define the new tomcat server where we will be run the application. So, click on the 'No server are available. Click this link to create a new server..' as shown in above image in Server section. It will open the new dialog window as follow. Here just choose Tomcat v8.0. You can choose whatever you want and click to Next.

Setup Tomcat Server

Step 6: Here you have to provide the installation directory for Tomcat. If you don't have install the Tomcat for now. Then you can just click on 'Download and Install' and it will install Tomcat for you. And finally click to Finish.

Tomcat Server Installation Path

Step 7: Now we have server installed and configured. Let right click on the Tomcat server as shown in below image and just choose Start.

Start Tomcat

It will take few seconds and server will start. 

Tomcat Server Logs

So, as we have seen how we can install and configure Eclipse IDE along with Tomcat server in Windows 10.