It is a special type of class which cannot be instantiated and it behaves as parent class for other classes.

This article will demonstrate how to implement primary key and foreign key relationship in Code First approach in Entity Framework.

This article will demonstrate about differences among Code First, Database First and Model First approach in Entity Framework.

This article will demonstrate how to create charts using Highcharts Library in Angular JS with Web API.

This article will demonstrate how to show loading message or any spinner image when your chart is being loaded or the drill-down chart is being loaded, using Highcharts Library in AngularJS with Web API.

This article will demonstrate how to create "Add drilldown" (basically it is called nested charts) functionality using Highcharts Library in Angular JS with Web API.

This article will demonstrate us how we can get/read the configuration setting from Web.Config or App.Config in C#. There are different purposes to set the values inside the configuration file and read their values based on defined keys,  we define those values inside the configuration section which might be need to make it more secure, it could be some secret keys or the value which should get frequently. 

MVC or Model View Controller is a software design pattern to develop web application.  MVC is not a new concept created by Microsoft to develop Web application in Asp.Net MVC. Even MVC is also used to develop iOS framework. So, we can say it is a general concept of Software Development. MVC is stand for Model View Controller. In short. Model is Data objects like Business logic, validation and DB access.View is User Interface (UI) and Controller handles the user request and work with View and Model.

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Web Service is an application or we can say a standard way for interacting directly with other application over the internet. It’s a way to develop interoperable application over the internet. Web Service can locate on same computer within same network or different computer with different network. Web service is protocol independent, language independent and platform independent. Web services support standard protocol and data format like HTTP, XML, and SOAP.

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