We can download Visual Studio 2017 from Visual Studio Official Site. As earlier, it has three different versions and these are Community, Professional and Enterprise. If we do not have Microsoft Subscriptions for Visual Studio then we can go with Visual Studio Community Version, which is free and most of the features are covered.

There are different types of attack exists in web programming like SQL Injection Attack, Cross Site Scripting Attack(XSS), Open Redirection Attack etc. and we need to take care of these attacks when writing code and try to prevent our application from these attack. 

DropDownList allows user to select an item from the dropdownlist So, Today I am going to explain how to bind dropdownlist in Asp.Net MVC and How to validate dropdownlist on button click without select any value. I have taken a example to bind categories list in dropdownlist. The first step is to create a ViewModel for dropdownlist . I have bound the dropdownlist in controller. In this ViewModel, I have taken Postcategories as List type and a SelectValue as int to store the selected value.  

Today, I am going to demonstrate how to create custom routing in Asp.Net MVC application. I hope you all know the routing concept; in short routing is used to map the incoming request to particular MVC controller action. It also customizes your url which looks neat and clean. But today, I will not explain the routing concept, like what is routing in detail, how it work, how we can create etc. Actually I will try to explain the Custom Routing concept.  When you request for Asp.Net MVC page then it passes through the routing architecture. 

Angular JS is a JavaScript framework to create SPA (Single Page Application). It is a client side MV* (MVC+MVVM=MV*) framework. Angular JS extends HTML by providing Directives that add functionality to your markup and that allow you to create powerful dynamic templates for application.Below are some Angular JS directives which I have used in sample application.

ng-app : It is entry point of AngularJs to the page. It shows that the application is angular js app.


Today, I am feeling very to see my article "JSON Data with Asp.Net MVC using JQuery " in the list of "Article of the day" at Asp.Net Community

Today, I am feeling very to see my article "ASP.NET MVC Code First Approach With Repository Pattern" in the list of "Article of the day" at Asp.Net Community.

Today, I am feeling very happy to see my article "ASP.NET Core 1.0 New Features?" in the list of "Article of the day" at Asp.Net Community. This is Seventh time when my article has selected for Article of the day.

Today, I am feeling very to see my article "Exception Handing Using HandleError Attribute In ASP.NET MVC" in the list of "Article of the day" at Asp.Net Community. This is Sixth time when my article has selected for Article of the day. 

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